RIDOT plans to award over $200M in contracts in 2017.
RhodeWorks Q1 & Q2 reports offer details on program accomplishments.
On January 30 and April 28, RIDOT issued a news release/report tandem summarizing progress made by the RhodeWorks program during the first and second quarters of FFY 2017. Key highlights from these two reports include:
A substantial increase in advertised work in 2016. During FFY 2016, RIDOT issued $174M worth of construction contracts — $60M more than the previous year and $74M more than 2014.

Construction jobs continue to rise. By the end of 2016, Rhode Island had
added 800 construction jobs during the year. The extra impetus from RhodeWorks
exceeded the 400 jobs and 500 jobs created, respectively, in 2014 and 2015.
A related increase in construction jobs. Overall, Rhode Island has benefitted from a net gain of 1,100 construction jobs between March 2016 and March 2017.
Reduction of structurally deficient bridges. During Q1 and Q2, a total of 18 bridges were removed from the structurally-deficient list, partially offset by the addition of 8 bridges to the list.

Site of dual fast-track bridge replacements in East Providence.
Bridge toll facilities. RIDOT has received six proposals for the Design-Build-Operate-Maintain (DBOM) contract for the tolling program. The proposals are under review with a contract award scheduled by the end of May.
Jump-start funding for major projects. In addition to revitalizing the RIDOT annual program, RhodeWorks is enabling the launch of multiple projects that have previously languished on the drawing boards. The most prominent is the replacement of the Routes 6/10 Interchange, a badly deteriorated network of bridges. In response to its Request for Qualifications (RFQ), RIDOT received responses from two interested design-build teams. An RFP is now being drafted for issuance to the qualifying teams by the end of May.
For more details on the current state and future projections for RhodeWorks, visit the Accountability page on the RIDOT website: www.dot.ri.gov
Click here for a list of 2017 projects to be advertised in the remainder of the calendar year.