RhodeWorks Q3 report details April-June progress.

RIDOT expects $238M in total awards by end of FFY 2017.

On July 28, RIDOT issued its latest quarterly report documenting progress made by the RhodeWorks program during the third quarter of federal fiscal year (FFY) 2017.

The report was issued against the backdrop of an announcement that RIDOT expected to put $238 million in construction awards out to bid by the September 30 end of the fiscal year. An increase over the agency’s earlier $219M estimate, it would qualify the 2017 construction season as the largest since 2009, when spending soared due to the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Art (ARRA) stimulus package.

Key highlights from the report include:

Further reduction of structurally deficient bridges. During Q3, three bridges were removed from the structurally deficient inventory, and zero were added. Since the inception of the program, 19 bridges have been removed from the list.

Bridge toll facilities. RIDOT awarded the Design-Build-Operate-Maintain (DBOM) contract for the tolling program to Kapsch TrafficCom. All toll locations will be operational and collecting revenue by the end of 2018.

The addition of 3,200 construction jobs. Rhode Island has benefitted from a 17.8% increase in construction jobs between June 2016 and June 2017 — a net gain of 3,200 jobs. RI construction employment is at its highest level in 10 years.

RFPs issued for Route 6/10 Interchange. A Request for Proposal (RFP) was issued to two interested design-build teams. As of the quarter’s end, RIDOT was in the process of responding to Requests for Information (RFIs) while the design-build teams developed Alternative Technical Concepts for the project.

Texting-while-driving ban enforcement. The RIDOT Office on Highway Safety (OHS) sponsored training on strategies to enforce the state’s texting-while-driving ban through the RI Municipal Police Training Academy. In addition, the RI State Police acquired a high profile unmarked SUV — with a higher vantage point that provides greater visibility of texting violations.

Providence-Newport Ferry expands. The SeaStreak Providence-Newport Ferry completed its second season, which was expanded by six weeks this year, on October 1. RIDOT, the state’s sponsoring agency, worked hand in hand with RIPTA, Commerce RI and Amtrak to market the service and provide intermodal access. Transit connections to the Providence Ferry Landing were provided from the Providence Train Station, Kennedy Plaza and the Rhode Island Convention Center.

Pawtucket/Central Falls Train Station. Four proposals for this design/build project were received by RIDOT. The review/award process is expected to be completed by the end of fall 2017.

Rigorous maintenance activities. During Q3, RIDOT crews swept 2,283 curb miles of roadway, mowed 1,038 miles of grass, cleaned 2,371 drainage structures and repaired 92 more, installed or replaced 1,052 signs, striped several miles of yellow center line and white edge line, along with striping numerous stop bars, yield markings, crosswalks, cross hatches, turning arrows and parking spaces.

For more details on the current state and future projections for RhodeWorks — and/or to download the full Q3 report — visit the Accountability page on the RIDOT website at:


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