CIRI safety program gearing up for winter season.

Free training/seminars again planned for CIRI members.

For our member companies, the less-active winter season is an opportune time for employees to expand their knowledge and obtain key certifications. For the 2017-2018 program, the CIRI Safety Committee has again compiled a variety of courses and seminars — which are free for employees of CIRI member companies.

“Last year, over 400 people obtained certifications by participating in CIRI programs,” said Mike D’Ambra, president of CIRI. “It’s an incredible amount of training. And a testament to the great job that Peter Robbins (D’Ambra Construction), Barry Manfredi (Cardi Corporation) and Joe Woods (J.H. Lynch & Sons) are doing on the committee to make this happen.”

For scheduling details, contact:
Peter Robbins

Upcoming Training/Certifications & Seminars
Highway Work Zone Safety
technician & supervisor certifications
Excavation Competent Person Training
CPR / First Aid Classes Rigging & Signal Person Training
OSHA 30-Hour Training
for initial certification
OSHA 10-Hour Refresher
for people already certified
Silica Competent Person Training Insurance/Safety Seminar
MSHA Mining Seminar
includes 7 hours of annual training


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