Dave Bauer named President and CEO of ARTBA.

Succeeds Pete Ruane who retired after record 30-year term.

The American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) has named Dave Bauer as President and CEO, effective January 1, 2019. Bauer, who has addressed the CIRI membership on multiple occasions, joined ARTBA in 1997. He currently serves as executive vice president of advocacy and heads up its government relations team.

After a rigorous search process, the ARTBA Board of Directors voted unanimously for Bauer to assume the lead role. The chair of the search committee, David Zachry, CEO of Texas-based Zachry Corporation, cited Bauer’s encyclopedic knowledge of transportation policy issues, his non-partisan approach — and his strong relationships with ARTBA staff, membership and industry coalition partners.

Over the course of his 21 years at ARTBA, Bauer has played a key leadership role in the passage of four major federal highway and public transit investment laws: TEA-21 (1998), SAFETEA-LU (2005), MAP-21 (2012) and the FAST Act (2015).

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