Latest STIP report outlines path forward for 2019.
Key roadmap for ongoing RhodeWorks success.
On April 2, RIDOT released the latest update to its State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) report — as mandated by federal regulations for highway and transit funds — detailing expected revenue sources and forecasted expenditures over the next four federal fiscal years.
In calendar year 2018 alone, RIDOT successfully initiated over 100 projects with a combined value of about $900 million. For the 2019 construction season, the agency forecasts the advertising and award of a similar number of projects statewide, as it continues to execute the fully funded RhodeWorks 10-year plan.
To view and/or download the full STIP document, visit the homepage for the RI Division of Statewide Planning at:
The tables shown below outline all federal and state resources reasonably expected to be available to RIDOT between FFY 2018-2021, as well as planned expenditures, meeting federal requirements for the STIP to fiscally constrained.