September 19 STIP report reflects major plan amendment.
Changing circumstances dictated need for July 18 request.
On September 19, RIDOT released the latest update to its State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) report — as mandated by federal regulations for highway and transit funds — detailing expected revenue sources and forecasted expenditures over the next four federal fiscal years.
On July 18, RIDOT proposed a major amendment to the STIP, which is intended to be a living document, due to changing priorities and funding realities. Factors which led to the request include:
- The opportunity to escalate the slimming down of the 50-year-old Henderson Bridge spanning from Providence to East Providence. This will decrease RI’s statewide structurally deficient bridge deck by 12%, helping the state to stay on pace to meet a federal 2025 bridge sufficiency mandate.
- The removal of $20M per year in Rhode Island Capital Funds (RICAP) pavement program allocations. The annual funds have not been received in the period from 2016 to 2019.
- Source-level changes due to a new ceiling for federal funds. As a result, $293M in GARVEE Bonds were added to the mix, along with funds for BUILD Grants, CRISI Grants and Carry-Forward State Funds.
To view and/or download the full STIP document, visit the homepage for the RI Division of Statewide Planning at:
The tables shown below outline all federal and state resources reasonably expected to be available to RIDOT between FFY 2018-2021, as well as planned expenditures, meeting federal requirements for the STIP to be fiscally constrained.