Your generosity has helped nourish hundreds of neighbors.

Help CIRI answer the call again in 2021.


In December 2020, with the help of our members, CIRI was able to raise 1,168 pounds of food and over $8,000 in donations for the Rhode Island Community Food Bank. We’re again asking you to do whatever you can in 2021 — from October 18 through November 18 — to help our neighbors in need.

As the economic effects of COVID-19 linger, countless families are still struggling with food insecurity. Many Rhode Islanders have lost jobs and/or have seen the end of Federal aid benefits, as they’re now faced with higher prices and inflation. By contrast, our industry has been fortunate to operate throughout the pandemic.

Every $10 donated can provide 25 meals. CIRI is asking all who are able to make a donation to the RI Community Food Bank. No matter how small. Here are the ways you can help:

Donate using the CIRI fundraising page. [click here]

Food donations at Cardi Corporation: 385 Lincoln Avenue, Warwick, RI
October 18 through November 18
A donation pod for non-perishable food items will be in operation at the Cardi Safety Office. Holiday food donations can include stuffing, cranberry sauce, boxed mashed potatoes, canned gravy or gravy packets, bread mixes, canned soup or soup mixes, and canned vegetables. These will be picked up and distributed by the RI Community Food Bank in time for Thanksgiving. A list of the items most needed items year-round can also be found here on the RI Food Bank website.

Visit the RI Food Bank website to donate directly. [click here]

Questions? Feel free to call or email:
Lisa Seidel  401.602.7202 •
Danielle White  401.640.8845 •

From July 2020 through June 2021, the Rhode Island Community Food Bank distributed 15.1 million pounds of food for people and families most affected by the pandemic — a remarkable increase of 1.3 million pounds over the prior year.

Thank you in advance for your generosity during this holiday season, to help this essential lifeline maximize its impact.




Stephen A. Cardi II
CIRI President

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