A vigilant eye on opportunities and funding sources.

Across all businesses and industries, funding is the lifeblood of an organization’s mission. This is especially true in heavy and highway construction. In recent years, however, some of our state’s key funding sources have been negatively affected.

The 2022 US District Court decision to declare the successful truck tolling program as “unconstitutional” (currently being appealed) negated about $40 million in annual revenue. Gas tax revenues traditionally earmarked for highway and bridge work have decreased due to two factors. One is the proliferation of remote work arrangements during the pandemic and beyond. The other is the increasing percentage of electric vehicles on the road. RI legislators and state departments are considering potential remedies for the latter.

Michael D. D’Ambra • CIRI President

Exceptional work volume due to positive national developments.

The upswing in federal infrastructure funding over the past several years has been a needed boost for our industry. The five-year Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), now at its midpoint, apportioned $1.77 billion in federal formula funding for Rhode Island. This is in addition to $137.7 million in discretionary grants awarded in 2022 and 2023, and the recent $81 million INFRA grant for the Route 4/Quonset “missing move” project.

CIRI offers its sincere thanks to Senators Reed and Whitehouse, along with Congressmen Magaziner and Amo, for their diligent and continuing efforts to benefit our industry and the RI economy at large. On the state level, we also thank Governor McKee and the General Assembly for their collaboration and crucial budgetary support.

Continuing to expand our multifaceted member focus.

CIRI is providing members with the widest scope of services and advantages in our history. Initiatives over the past year have included upper-level executive training, safety awareness and certification programs, and our Technology and Innovation (T&I) Committee. These are in addition to the year-round legislative and regulatory monitoring/advocacy efforts that are our core mission.

Ideas for other ways we can assist our members are welcome. We also encourage you to spread the word to associates and partners about the benefits of becoming a CIRI member.



Michael D. D’Ambra
CIRI President

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