Building on the power of collaboration.
Bolstered by the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) in 2021, CIRI members have since benefited from a continued and robust source of federal funding to help RIDOT keep the RhodeWorks program on track. In addition, we’ve kept a continual eye on potential funding sources and opportunities for the future.
The collaborative partnerships we’ve built are more crucial than ever. On the national front, we thank Rhode Island’s congressional leaders — Senators Reed and Whitehouse, along with Congressmen Magaziner and Amo — for their diligent advocacy efforts in Washington. Likewise, we thank Governor McKee, Senate President Ruggerio and House Speaker Shekarchi for their collaboration and crucial budgetary support on the state level.
Within our organization, the support and dedication of our board is a key factor that keeps us moving ahead. CIRI today is providing the widest scope of services and benefits in our history — as we help members to address their project and business needs from the ground up.
Please take a look at the new Membership Benefits page on our website, which summarizes key reasons for becoming a CIRI member. We encourage you to share a link to that page with associates and partners who could benefit from joining our organization. We also welcome ideas and perspectives on any other ways CIRI could help you to grow and prosper.
Michael D. D’Ambra
CIRI President