On a mission to expand our capabilities and membership.

Since 1975, CIRI has always looked for ways to anticipate and serve the evolving needs of its members. Especially today, this is a multifaceted challenge. On one hand, we need to continue our traditional support for members on both the project and advocacy levels. CIRI is also focused on leveraging the technologies and opportunities provided by the digital age. Some initiatives we launched or furthered during 2023 include:

Michael D. D’Ambra • CIRI President

Free executive training sessions for upper managers.

In February and March, CIRI will again sponsor free executive training sessions presented by FMI — a leading consulting firm serving construction and related industries. We’re currently conferring with FMI to determine the most beneficial followup set of topics for our members.

Working to adopt the latest technologies.

Companies or all sizes are looking to embrace technologies and tools that can make their operations more efficient and profitable. We’re working to move the creation of a CIRI Technology & Innovation Committee to the next step to help members leverage the most promising innovations.

A continual focus on jobsite safety.

CIRI-sponsored safety programs are a crucial advantage for our members. Our yearly schedule of winter programs includes specific courses to help employees earn or renew key certifications, along with the Dig Safe seminar event we co-sponsor with Managing Underground Safety Training (MUST).

Helping to expand and rejuvenate the workforce.

CIRI will continue to expand and augment our recruitment activities. The focus for 2024 is to develop ways to amplify our core social media effort via additional channels — while actively engaging our members to help us spread the word about the advantages and promise of our industry.

As always, we welcome ideas and perspectives on any other ways CIRI can help. We also encourage you to reach out to associates and partners about the benefits we offer.



Michael D. D’Ambra
CIRI President

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