Legislative Watch

Issues on the horizon in the RI General Assembly.

During the 2024 General Assembly, the CIRI Legislative Committee has again monitored all submitted bills – while making our views known on issues of importance to our members through active advocacy. After careful study of a multitude of House and Senate bills, here are several we’ve identified as warranting support or opposition:

Access to public records • opposing
These two similar bills would make any records of any person, firm, or corporation that successfully competes for a state contract or business into a public record. CIRI takes specific issue with the bill’s inclusion of “proprietary or otherwise confidential records.”

Labor and payment of debts by contractors • supporting
(S 2901 • H 7795) Prohibits contractors and subcontractors from paying employees the cash equivalent of any applicable healthcare benefit in lieu of actually purchasing the healthcare benefit. The amended bill now includes a waiver provision, allowing an exemption for any employee who is receiving healthcare benefits from another source.

Minority business enterprise • supporting
(S 2468 • H 7991) Requires the Department of Administration to provide a list of certified minority (MBE) and women-owned (WBE) business enterprises to each prospective contractor of a construction project. CIRI supports this providing no mandates or administrative requirements are placed on our companies.

Change orders • opposing
(H 8011) Prohibits the extension of contracts by any state or municipal department or agency by the utilization of change orders if the additional work or services exceeds ten percent (10%) of the original value of the contract.

RI Utility Fair Share Roadway Repair Act • monitoring
(S 2853) Requires that public utilities plan utility work for state roads in accordance with the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) schedules.

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